What is a HealthyNurse™?
According to the American Nurses Association, a healthy nurse is one who actively focuses on creating and maintaining a balance and synergy of his or her health, safety, wellness and life to their fullest capacity physically, intellectually, emotionally, socially , spiritually; both personally and professionally across the wellness/illness continuum. A HealthyNurse™ is a better role model, educator, and advocate – personally, for the family, for the community, for the work environment, and for the patient. Nurses are 3.1 million strong and the most trusted profession, and have the power to make a difference! By choosing nutritious foods and an active lifestyle, managing stress, living tobacco-free, getting preventive immunizations and screenings, and choosing protective measures such as wearing sunscreen and bicycle helmets, nurses can set an example on how to BE healthy.
In June of 2013 at the ANA Membership Assembly, 114 registered nurses beta-tested ANA’s HRA (health risk appraisal). The majority of nurses was female, working fulltime and actively employed in nursing. Forty-four percent have been a nurse for 31-40 years. Here are some interesting statistics that we have learned so far from participants.
Information provided by nursingworld.org