Summer is here. While much of the country spends all year looking forward to the summer, we have a different attitude toward it here in Arizona. Hot, dry summers are a concern for everyone, but especially older people.
Soaking in the pool is a great way to combat the heat, but one of the most important things you can do is to stay hydrated.
As we get older, our risk of dehydration increases.
For starters, our sense of thirst reduces, leaving us unable to tell when we need to drink water. And anyone who has spent much time out here in the desert knows that if you wait until you feel thirsty, it can already be too late.
With aging comes certain changes to body composition that can result in older adults having less water in their bodies.
Also, limited mobility, being on certain medications, and cognitive impairment can all effect our intake of water, causing a strong risk of dehydration in the elderly.
Staying adequately hydrated serves to prevent dehydration. Dehydration is a serious problem for older people that can have many negative effects.
These include putting them at risk of dizziness, fainting spells, and more. As you probably know, falls in the elderly can be quite catastrophic, so it’s best to avoid anything that could cause elderly loved ones to collapse.
Beyond that, dehydration can cause people to become constipated, confused, or even develop skin conditions.
This all sounds morbid but it doesn’t have to be. Dehydration can often be caused by health conditions like vomiting and diarrhea. However, not consuming enough fluids is the most common cause of dehydration (especially among older people).
It is important for everyone to make sure that they drink adequate amounts of hydrating liquids to stay healthy.
Celestial Care is dedicated to providing exceptional private senior care in Phoenix, AZ. We take great care to make sure our clients stay hydrated and healthy year-round, and wanted to share some tips on the best ways for older people to hydrate during the hot summer months.
If you have questions about in-home nursing services or any questions about keeping the seniors in your life happy and healthy, feel free to reach out to us.
You can reach us here or call 602.375.8880.